19 - 20 - 21 NOVEMBER 2024



Embark on a journey into the heart of maritime excellence with METSTRADE. Explore the vibrant discussions and innovations shaping the superyacht and yacht racing industries at The Superyacht Forum and Yacht Racing Forum. Join us for insightful conversations, discover the latest technologies, and connect with industry leaders. Welcome to METSTRADE, where collaboration and innovation thrive.


METSTRADE The Superyacht Forum Live

The Superyacht Forum Live

The Superyacht Forum continues to evolve around its new theme ‘Connect’, which aims to deliver even more dynamic networking woven throughout its powerful programme of keynotes and workshops! Each day will have its own unifying theme. Under each theme, they will be bringing in a structured package of interactive activities designed to harness the collective talents of attendees to collaborate, contribute and co-create.

The Superyacht Forum Live has energetic networking sessions, experimental activities, and a focused programme. This year, the much-loved social programme returns to The Superyacht Forum to celebrate its 31st anniversary!

Read more about TSF

Yacht Racing Forum

Discover the pulse of the sailing and yacht racing world at the Yacht Racing Forum, the premier annual conference for industry professionals. Running alongside METSTRADE on November 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2024, this event gathers the key players from across the yacht racing industry for invaluable discussions and networking opportunities. As the sole business-to-business conference in the field, YRF is your gateway to tackling industry challenges, sharing best practices, and forging impactful connections with decision-makers. Join us to chart the course for the future of yacht racing.

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Yacht Racing Forum Logo 2024