privacy statement

Privacy statement

This privacy statement explains what personal data RAI collects about you and how we use and handle them. In this privacy statement, RAI uses the word ‘you’ to designate various parties. This means that not all data processing operations apply to you in your capacity of exhibitor, visitor or supplier. If you obtain a service from RAI, the relevant part of this privacy statement applies to that service.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement or its application, please contact RAI.

This privacy statement contains a general section and a section dealing with specific services. In the general section, RAI will discuss the processing of personal data in broad terms and, in the other section, it will give a breakdown of how your data are handled for each service it provides.

Part 1 – General information

Part 2 – Specific information about each service provided by RAI

Part 2a – General information provided in support of all events

Part 2b - Services in and around the RAI CC

Part 2c – Events organised by RAI

Part 1 – General information

RAI Amsterdam B.V . and its group companies RAI Markets B.V., RAI Mobility B.V., RAI Water Technology B.V., RAI Marine Technology B.V., RAI Horticulture B.V. and RAI Cleaning Technology B.V (referred to below both individually and collectively as ‘RAI’) are an international exhibition and conference organisation.

Controller or processor
RAI organises and facilitates gatherings of people in both a national and an international context. RAI itself organises events in the RAI Convention Centre and abroad. In addition, the RAI Convention Centre functions as a conference and meeting centre for events held by third parties. RAI offers support services such as RAI Hotel Services for events held in the RAI Convention Centre. This means that RAI may play differing roles in the processing of your personal data. If RAI organises an event, it is then the party that enters into agreements with, say, exhibitors and visitors. In such cases, RAI acts as processing controller. Where events organised by third parties are held in the RAI Convention Centre, RAI has a different role. RAI is then engaged by the organiser of the event to provide certain services. In such cases, RAI acts as processor of personal data. Finally, RAI also offers neighbourhood services, such as parking, which are separate from the organising and facilitating of events. When providing these services, RAI once again acts in the capacity of controller.

In all cases, RAI will process your personal data only if this is necessary and is in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation.

This privacy statement explains how personal data are processed in the case of those services that involve such processing. We recommend that you that you read this privacy statement carefully.

Joint controllers
If RAI cooperates with another organisation in holding an event, they will act as joint controller for that event. Where this is the case, notice will be given. If necessary, you will also be referred to the co-organiser’s privacy statement.

You may direct any questions, comments or complaints to or to:
RAI Amsterdam B.V.
attn. DPO
Europaplein 24
1078 GZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
If necessary, we will then refer you to the relevant department.

Lawful bases
RAI always has a legal basis for its use of your personal data. The relevant legal bases for the processing of personal data are: (i) the performance of a contract/ agreement with you, (ii) your request or consent to process your data, (iii) a legitimate interest of RAI or (iv) a legal obligation. We explain the relevant bases in this first section.

The performance and completion of a contract with you
If you enter into a contract with RAI, RAI is entitled to process all personal data that are necessary for the preparation, drafting, performance and completion of that contract. An example would be all the processing related to ticket sales at an event organised by RAI.

If RAI wishes to process personal data for which it needs your consent, it will ask you for this separately. You may withdraw your consent at any time. If you wish to do so, please contact us. No conditions are attached to withdrawal of consent. Your withdrawal will be processed as quickly as possible and the processing based on the consent will be stopped. Any processing carried out by RAI before your withdrawal of consent remains lawful.

Legitimate interest
If it is stated when your personal data are processed that the processing takes place for the purposes of a legitimate interest, this means that RAI has weighed its interests against yours. RAI carefully assesses its own business interests against your interests and the impact of the processing on your privacy. These business interests may consist, for example, of providing a good service, ensuring security or conducting efficient business operations. If you wish to receive more information about the decision made in the light of this assessment, you can indicate this. If you disagree with RAI’s decision on this assessment of interests, please contact us. The processing and the basis on which it is carried out will then be reconsidered and, if necessary, modified or discontinued.

Legal obligation
If the processing of personal data is mandatory by law, RAI will process the data on the basis of that legal obligation. Examples are the requirements for drawing up, processing and storing invoices.

Use limited to stated purpose
Before processing your personal data, RAI determines the purpose or purposes for which it will process them. These purposes are specified for each service in the second part of this privacy statement. RAI only processes the personal data necessary for that purpose. RAI periodically evaluates its processes, always with a view to ascertaining whether the same purpose can be achieved with fewer personal data.

Transfer outside the EU
In principle, RAI processes your personal data only within Europe (officially the European Economic Area / EEA). In a few cases, your personal data may be transferred to countries outside Europe. This may occur where one or more of RAI’s service providers are established in a country outside Europe, such as the United States.

Your personal data will only be processed outside Europe by RAI or its partners or by third parties engaged by RAI (including Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn) if that is in accordance with the applicable legislation. This means that RAI will only transfer your personal data to countries outside Europe if the European Commission has decided that the country in question ensures an adequate level of protection. In the absence of such a decision, RAI will use another appropriate safeguard such as the (unchanged) standard provisions approved by the European Commission. In the event of transfer to the United States, the safeguard provided by the EU-US Data Privacy Framework applies. If this Data Privacy Framework does not apply, the standard provisions of the European Commission are applied.

RAI uses cookies to ensure that our websites work properly, to analyse how our websites are used and to improve your experience on our websites. We also use cookies for advertising and marketing purposes and for the use of social media. We may collect personal data for this purpose, for example your IP address and data about the device you use to visit our websites. For more information, see our cookie statement.

RAI may combine the information collected on our (registration) websites and from other sources in order to offer you the best (online) experience and service. This includes offering personalised content reflecting the business and other interests specified by you when registering. If you object to this form of profiling, please notify us. We will then reconsider this method of data processing and, if necessary, discontinue it.

Retention periods
RAI retains your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes specified above. We must keep certain personal data for longer because RAI has to comply with certain retention obligations laid down by law, such as the obligation to keep data for tax purposes.

RAI recognises the importance of protecting the privacy and security of personal data belonging to our customers, employees and other stakeholders. RAI therefore takes all reasonable measures to ensure that personal information which we collect, store and process is kept secure and protected from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Our security measures include (but are not limited to):

  • use of secure systems and networks;
  • restricted access: only authorised staff have access to personal data;
  • implementation of adequate technical, organisational and administrative security measures in order to protect personal data;
  • regular evaluation and improvement of our information security practices to comply with changing statutory requirements and industry best practices.

Your rights
Under the privacy legislation, you have the following rights:

  • Access: you have the right to inquire whether RAI processes your personal data and, if so, to inspect the processing of that data;
  • Rectification: you have the right to ask RAI to rectify or supplement your data if they are incorrect or incomplete;
  • Erasure: you may request the erasure of your personal data (‘right to be forgotten’);
  • Restriction: you may request that the processing of your personal data by RAI be restricted or discontinued altogether, for example if you consider that RAI is processing your personal data unlawfully or that the processed data may possibly be incorrect;
  • Objection: you may object to the processing of your personal data on account of special personal circumstances. You may also object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  • Data portability: you may request the transmission of your digital personal data if they have been provided on the basis of your consent or a contract with RAI.

You can exercise your rights at or by contacting:
RAI Amsterdam B.V.
attn. Data Protection Officer
Europaplein 24
1078 GZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Before assessing your request, we may ask you for additional information in order to verify your identity. We will, in principle, inform you within one month of receipt of your request whether we can grant it. This period may be extended by two months in specific cases, for example if the request is complex. We will inform you of any such extension within one month of receipt of your request. In certain circumstances, as described in the data protection legislation, we may refuse your request. If this happens, we will explain why. If you object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will always respect your request.

Complaint about the processing of your personal data
If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data by RAI, we will try to resolve the matter in consultation with you. If this does not produce the desired result, you have the right to file a complaint with the privacy regulator – the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

Recruitment and selection
If you apply for a job vacancy via the website, you can complete an online form in which the data required to process your application are requested. You can also upload your CV and reasons for applying. RAI processes the following privacy data in so far as this is necessary in order perform the contract.
We process the following personal data in handling your application:

  • Name and address
  • Contact details, including telephone numbers and email address
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Educational attainment
  • Availability
  • Content of your CV
  • Reasons for applying
  • Search criteria and attendance frequency (for job alert)
  • Bank account number (for expense allowance)

The job application data are processed by RAI for the following purposes:

  • Recruitment and selection
  • Assessment of suitability for a position with RAI
  • Processing expense allowance claims
  • Internal access checks and corporate security
  • Improving the job application procedure
  • Analysing and reporting on questions, comments and complaints
  • Compliance with legal obligations and court orders

For its selection procedure, RAI uses the services of outside contractors such as the provider of the recruitment and selection system and the system for paying the expense allowance. Situations may also occur in which we have a legal obligation to disclose your personal data to third parties.

Retention period and talent pool
The personal data which you supply to RAI for your job application are kept until four weeks after the end of the selection procedure. If you have authorised this, the data will be kept for up to one year after termination of the selection procedure. You will then receive an email from us asking you to update your data if you wish to remain on our records. We can then compare your CV with positions in our talent pool in order to assess whether you would be suited to fill such a vacancy. If you have registered for job alerts, we will keep these data (email and preferences) until the moment when you deregister. If you have been appointed to the position and enter RAI’s employment, your data will become part of your personnel file.

Exchange of data with third parties
In performing its services, RAI may exchange your personal data with other organisations and persons.
Examples are:

  • those jointly responsible with RAI for organising and implementing events organised by or at RAI, such as national and international organisers and co-organisers. In such cases, we would refer you to the privacy statement of both parties.
  • those involved in organising and implementing events held by or at RAI, such as exhibitors, IT suppliers and suppliers of other services offered to organisers, visitors and exhibitors. It is also possible that we may disclose your personal data to third parties who may approach you to provide services that complement those provided by RAI.
  • relevant companies within RAI’s corporate structure or commercial agents for our national and international events. Personal data are transferred only for the purposes for which RAI itself processes your personal data.
  • third parties for their own purposes, for example exhibitors. RAI will inform you about this and will only share your personal data if you have authorised this. The final processing of your personal data by the recipient, such as the exhibitor in question, is carried out under the sole responsibility of the recipient. You can contact these recipients of your personal data for further information about how they handle your data.
  • all other third parties, where this is necessary to enable us to enforce our statutory rights, or to protect the rights, property or safety of our employees or if we are legally obliged to do so.

Changes to privacy statement
RAI is entitled to amend its privacy statement. We recommend that you regularly consult the statement so that you are always aware of any changes.

Part 2 – Specific information about each service provided by RAI

If you take part in or visit an event, visit the RAI Convention Centre or supply goods or services to RAI or obtain goods or services from RAI, you will come into contact with the services provided by RAI. In many cases, the performance of these services involves the processing of personal data.

We differentiate between:

  1. General services, which may apply to all events in which RAI is involved, regardless of whether the organiser is RAI or another party;
  2. Additional services linked to your presence in and around the RAI Convention Centre;
  3. Additional services that can be obtained during events which RAI organises itself (sometimes in collaboration with co-organisers); and
  4. Services provided for local residents/parking permit holders.

RAI Markets B.V. and its subsidiaries (RAI Mobility B.V., RAI Water Technology B.V., RAI Marine Technology B.V., RAI Horticulture B.V. and RAI Cleaning Technology B.V.) organise a variety of events. In some cases, RAI organises events together with one or more external partners. In such cases, these partners may act as joint controller with RAI.
Every event in the RAI Convention Centre (‘RAI CC’) is supported by RAI Amsterdam B.V. through the provision of facility services. If Rai Markets B.V. or one of its subsidiaries organises an event outside the RAI CC, they too are supported in this way by RAI Amsterdam B.V.

If personal data are processed in this connection, RAI Amsterdam B.V. acts as the processor. When events are organised and facilitated, various services are offered to both the exhibitors and the visitors involved. If the service applies or relates to you, you can read below how your personal data are processed.

Below we differentiate between (a) services that may apply to you as an exhibitor or visitor at an event held in the RAI CC; (b) services that may be additional and linked to your presence in and around the RAI CC and (c) services that may be additional if RAI organises the event itself.

Part 2a – General information provided in support of all events

For the support of all events, whether organised by RAI or a third party, personal data may be processed by RAI when performing the following services.

Customer service, notifications and complaints
When you ask us a question, submit a request, report a technical hitch or other problem or file a complaint, we ask you to provide your name and, if applicable, your telephone number. We also process information about the handling of your question or comment, messages and other content that you send us in connection with the report or complaint. We process your personal data in order to deal with your question or comment. RAI processes these personal data on the legal basis that this processing is necessary for the performance of the contract or quasi-contract. If you contact our emergency, safety and security telephone numbers, it is possible that we will record the conversation. RAI processes these personal data on the basis that it has a legitimate interest in doing so.

Legal purposes
In some cases, we need to use your data to deal with and resolve legal disputes, for regulatory investigations and compliance, or to comply with lawful requests from law enforcement agencies. RAI processes these personal data on the basis that it must comply with its legal obligations or that the processing serves a legitimate interest.

PR and customer relationship management
We process the business data of journalists and business contacts (such as company name and contact details) and the personal data of contact persons within the company (such as name, contact details, position and gender). We receive these data through personal contact or via our press registration procedure. We process these personal data for PR purposes, including sending press releases, for customer relationship management (for example, sending you invitations to an event) and for communication purposes. RAI processes these personal data on the basis that this serves a legitimate interest and on the basis that the exception specified in section 11.7, subsection 2, of the Telecommunications Act (Telecommunicatiewet) is applicable.

Analysis and reporting
We also use personal data for analytical purposes. This is part of our efforts to improve our services and enhance the user experience. We endeavour to use only pseudonymised data for these analytical purposes. The legal basis for this use of personal data by RAI is that it has a legitimate interest in helping customers and improving the quality of its business operations, services and special offers, for example by analysing the data.

Websites and online communication
If you complete a web form on one of the RAI websites or contact us via the online contact form, you leave personal data behind. In addition, we may collect data on your use of our websites, for example what pages you view. RAI processes these data to enable you to use the services offered, to improve the operation of the website(s) and to optimise your experience of the website. This may concern the following personal data:

  • name and address
  • contact details, such as email address and telephone number
  • gender
  • device’s MAC address, IMAP, IMEI and other device identifiers
  • content of online communication with RAI
  • route planner
  • substance of complaints
  • information about found items
  • social media profiles
  • chat history
  • screenshots
  • data on the use of online channels (recognisable by multiple IDs on social media, emails, Google Analytics)
  • ordering and payment data

In addition, RAI offers personalised advertisements and content via its website(s) and online communication. You can give consent for this in the cookie statement. If you decide to purchase the product or service offered, the provider will process your personal data. In such cases, we refer you to the applicable privacy statement of the provider. In the cookie statement, you can give consent for RAI to place tracking cookies for this purpose. RAI’s partners are listed there. If you do not give consent, these cookies will not be placed. If you have given consent, you may withdraw this by contacting us.

For online communication, RAI uses the services of other parties, such as the website host, cookie providers and providers of social media channels.

RAI Hotel Services
RAI works with hotels in order to be able to offer you ideal overnight accommodation when you visit an event. If you use RAI’s Hotel Services, we process your personal data in order to arrange your stay in a hotel.

RAI processes your data if you engage us – either through our reservation system or otherwise – to make hotel reservations for you. This concerns your name and address, contact particulars such as telephone number and email address, credit card data and booking details. RAI processes these data with a view to performing the underlying contract, communicating about the contract (with regard to the reservation) and improving our services. The basis on which RAI processes these data is that it is necessary for the performance of the contract or that RAI has a legitimate interest in being able to provide and improve the service.

In providing its Hotel Services RAI uses the services of other parties, such as the supplier of the reservation system. Personal data are also provided to intermediaries and the hotels where the overnight stays take place. Finally, we share your data with the organiser of the event if you have consented to this. You may withdraw this consent by contacting us.

Please note that there are no legal grounds for processing your Citizen Service Number (BSN). We expressly request you not to supply a copy of your passport on which the BSN is visible.

Part 2b - Services in and around the RAI CC

The following additional services apply in the case of visitors to the RAI Convention Centre (RAI CC).

Video camera surveillance (CCTV)
Security cameras are present in and around the RAI CC that store the image as well as the date, time and location. RAI processes these personal data for the security of its buildings, grounds and goods, for the protection of visitor safety and for the recording and handling of incidents. The legal basis on which RAI processes these personal data is that it has a legitimate interest.

Photos and video
During events, photos or videos can be taken of those present, such as visitors, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. These photos and videos can be used for promotional or commercial purposes. Where necessary, RAI will request consent for this. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. In so far as no consent is required, RAI does this processing on the basis that it has a legitimate interest.

When you park your car in one of RAI’s car parks, we process your licence plate number, the time of entry and exit, the method of payment (cash or card) and the location of your car (parking section). And we process your licence plate number, email address, name/company name and telephone number if you buy a parking ticket online.
We process these personal data primarily in order to perform the parking contract. We use vehicle licence plate recognition to check whether you have an extended parking ticket, so that we can grant you admission rights that enable us to determine the correct parking and charge and payment. In addition, RAI processes these personal data so that it can contact you in the event of emergencies, notify you about improper parking (including the imposition of a fine) and closure of the car park, ensure that the parking time limit is observed and improve the logistical planning and parking arrangements within RAI.

The legal basis on which RAI processes these personal data is either that this is necessary for the performance of the parking contract or that RAI has a legitimate interest in doing so in order to prevent fraud and improve its services. If you have an extended parking ticket, we also process your name/company name, the name of a contact, telephone number (if applicable), the financial data necessary for the payment and the type of ticket. In the case of holders of extended parking tickets, the personal data are also processed in order to provide information about your ticket type, for invoicing and payment purposes and for the disposal of payment disputes.

Route planner
We collect your address details when you use the route planner on our website. We process these personal data primarily in order to fulfil your request. The legal basis on which RAI processes these personal data is that this is necessary either for the performance of the contract or in preparation for a contract. We also process these personal data in order to analyse traffic flows. RAI does this on the basis that it has a legitimate interest in improving its service.

Access and incident registration
We collect your personal data if you need access to the RAI CC in order to perform the work for which you have been contracted by RAI or by a third party acting on behalf of RAI. We then register your name, company name, date of visit, location to be visited and your email address. We can also check your identity card at the entrance. If you come from outside the EEA and visit RAI in order to perform work there, we will also process a copy of your ID and check whether you are allowed to work at RAI. If you are a preferred supplier, we also register your department, application date, end date, access profile, permits, certificates, telephone number, passport photo, document number and type of document. We process the personal data for the purpose of granting access to and communicating about buildings or information systems or parts of them. We also process personal data with a view to ensuring the security of buildings, sites and goods, protecting the safety of persons and recording and handling incidents. RAI processes these personal data on the basis that this is necessary for the performance of the contract or quasi-contract or the discharge of a legal obligation or that it has a legitimate interest.

Deliveries and CO2 measurements
If you deliver goods to RAI, your vehicle licence plate will be noted. RAI collects this information with a view to dispute settlement, ensuring safety around the RAI CC and carrying out CO2 impact analysis. For this purpose, you will also be asked for the postcode area of your place of departure. In this way, RAI can report on the CO2 impact of your delivery. This impact analysis may be shared with event organisers upon request.

Part 2c – Events organised by RAI

RAI’s own events include Aquatech, Intertraffic, Interclean, GreenTech, METSTRADE, Negenmaandenbeurs, Horecava, ADW, Rematec and Huishoudbeurs. In this context, we differentiate between the following additional services:

Online registration/tickets
RAI collects your personal data when you register online as a visitor or exhibitor for an event and/or buy a ticket. We collect your name, address, telephone number, age group and email address in order to confirm your registration and/or to be able to send you your ticket. We also ask you whether you have decision-making authority. This processing is necessary for the performance of the contract. We then ask you a number of questions about the organisation where you work. This does not involve the provision of personal data. If you voluntarily provide additional personal data, for example about your personal interests, we process them on the basis that you have given consent for this so that we can provide you with more relevant information. This means that by entering these data you decide for yourself what data RAI receives about you and your organisation. If you no longer want RAI to process this additional data, you can let us know by contacting us.

Online events and network platforms (including digital apps)
As part of your registration for fully virtual (online) events and networking platforms, some of your registration data will be passed on to our network application provider for the creation of an account within the platform. Your account contains your name and the company name you provided when registering. By logging on to the platform, you can voluntarily add to your personal profile or delete data. Your online profile is visible to all parties who have access to the online platform. You yourself can decide what additional data you enter and thus make visible as part of your profile. If you no longer want your profile (or parts of it) to be visible, you can contact us to arrange for your account (or parts of it) to be removed.

When participating in an online event or content and networking platform, you can participate in activities such as visiting zones or rooms, for example an online event space or an exhibitor or sponsor stand, downloading content and attending/watching live seminars/webinars. As a result of such activities, the platform and RAI (and, if applicable, the event partner and joint controller) may collect your personal information and data about your movements and interactions during the virtual event space and share them with the relevant sponsor or exhibitor to enable them to contact you, subject to compliance with applicable data protection legislation.

RAI processes these data about you for the online account on the basis that this is necessary in order to perform the contract. To provide you with this service, we will also share your data with the relevant platform provider. Your data will be protected by the platform provider and will not be commercialised by it, unless you have authorised this. You have additional options for editing or deleting your data using the tools available in the mobile app or on the web platform.

RAI processes the other data on the basis that you have consented to it by voluntarily adding to your profile. This means that you can choose to share your data with exhibitors who organise an online session (such as a webinar), and request them to contact you on a once-only basis with information about their products or services. We would point out that the exhibitors concerned may be located in a country outside Europe (officially the European Economic Area (EEA)) that may not offer the same level of data protection. For more information about the processing of your data by the exhibitor in question, we recommend that you consult the exhibitor’s privacy statement.

Marketing and sales
The data you have supplied us with, for example when registering with us or placing an online order, are used by RAI for marketing purposes. As you are a customer of RAI, we like to keep you informed about current similar events, products or services by means of newsletters. We also process your data to generate leads, carry out business acquisition processes, perform cross-selling and up-selling and monitor, gather and follow up leads. The legal basis on which RAI sends such marketing mailings and other marketing and sales communications for similar products and services to existing contacts such as organisers, exhibitors and visitors is that it has a legitimate interest in informing existing customers about similar RAI products or services after a purchase. Finally, RAI processes publicly shared email addresses, for example addresses shared via LinkedIn, for sending one-off contact emails.

In sending news, local news and marketing mailings to potential customers, RAI processes the data on the basis that it has consent (see ‘Electronic newsletters’ below). You can always unsubscribe by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ button.

Electronic newsletters
RAI sends a variety of electronic newsletters. If you have indicated that you wish to receive a newsletter, we will record the email address that you provide for this purpose with your request. RAI processes these data on the basis that you have given your consent for this. RAI can then monitor to what extent you open the newsletter. You can unsubscribe by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ button in each newsletter.

You may possibly be in receipt of more than one newsletter. If so, we will ensure that you are unsubscribed only from the specified newsletter. You may therefore possibly continue to receive other newsletters until you unsubscribe from them as well. RAI also sends newsletters to existing customers about similar services. These newsletters too contain an opt-out option which you can exercise if you no longer wish to receive one or more of them. RAI will then remove your email address from the list of recipients.

Courtesy cards
RAI can issue so-called ‘courtesy cards’. These cards entitle the recipient personally to a gift in the form of a discount, free admission, free parking or some other service. RAI processes your first and last name in order to issue these courtesy cards on a personal basis. When the courtesy card is exchanged for the relevant service, further personal data may be processed. On that subject, see the processing for that specific service in this section.

Badge scanning
When you visit an event, you may receive a badge. This badge contains the (personal) data you provided when registering. Your badge entitles you to gain admission to the event. Moreover, your badge can function as an electronic business card. This means that you can choose (but are by no means obliged) to have your badge scanned by an exhibitor, which can then contact you later with information about its products or services. The data in question are your gender, name and address, date of birth (if requested and provided, e.g. for events, products or services that are subject to an age limit or are intended for specific age groups), job type, interests, number of employees, decision-making authority, (mobile) telephone number (if requested and provided), opt-in information, email address, and all other data that you provided in the registration process. This depends on the (personal) data that you supplied to RAI for this purpose when buying a ticket.

By choosing to have your badge scanned, you authorise RAI to share your data with the relevant exhibitor and you authorise that exhibitor to contact you. You can withdraw your consent to RAI at any time by contacting us. You can withdraw your consent to the exhibitor by sending the exhibitor an email or by using other unsubscribe options provided by the exhibitor. Please note that the exhibitor concerned may be located in a country outside Europe (officially the EEA) that may not provide the same level of data protection as the EEA. For more information about the processing of your data by the relevant exhibitor, we recommend that you consult its privacy statement.

We may process your personal data if you wish to provide or receive a reference/testimonial. The data we then process are the name of a contact person, the position held by this contact person, the quote and possibly a photograph. The basis on which RAI processes these data is that you have given your consent. You may always withdraw your consent by contacting us.

Matchmaking Platform
RAI offers the possibility of creating an account via the Matchmaking Platform. This account is created on the basis of the data you provided when buying the ticket and you can supplement it yourself with other (personal) data. This profile makes it possible for you to be matched with exhibitors, speakers, meetings and other events during the event in such a way that they correspond with your specified interests. In this way, you can enhance your experience of the event. The legal basis on which RAI copies your personal data to your profile on this platform is that it has a legitimate interest If you do not wish to create an account for this purpose, you can remove the check mark and your data will not be shared. In processing all (personal) data which you voluntarily add to your profile, RAI is acting on the basis of your consent. You may withdraw your consent by removing the personal data from your profile or altering them. You may also delete your account at any time.

Promotional campaigns, awards and competitions
If RAI organises or facilitates contest marketing campaigns, it may collect data from you, for example your name, contact details, age (if required in connection with the contest), content generated by you (if this is part of the contest) and/or other personal data that you provide in order to take part in the contest. The rules and information for the contest in question will be clearly stated. The information collected is used to select, inform and identify the winners and present the prize to them. In processing these data, RAI acts on the basis of the (participation) contract concluded with you.

Affiliate marketing
If you give consent via the cookie statement, you can be shown personalised advertisements. Once you click on an advertisement to obtain more information about the product or service shown, your personal data such as your IP address and click behaviour will be processed. If you then decide to buy the product or service offered, the provider will process your personal data. RAI offers its affiliates the opportunity to market their products and services. RAI earns a commission for this. We refer you to the applicable privacy statement of the provider.

Market research and surveys
Sometimes we ask you to participate in an evaluation, survey or customer satisfaction survey. Participation is voluntary. In that case, we process your name, your contact details and your answers to the survey or questionnaire. The basis on which RAI processes these data is that it has a legitimate interest in helping customers and improving the quality of its business operations, services and offers, for example by conducting surveys. We may also use your answers to contact you for marketing or sales purposes (see Marketing and Sales).

This privacy statement was last amended on 30 July 2024.
